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Dimetra X Core

For government organisations, public safety agencies and large enterprises, mobile broadband is on the way. And while you don’t know when that change is coming—you can be ready for it with DIMETRA X Core. It’s designed to make the most of your existing DIMETRA network today, while preparing you for the additional capabilities offered by mobile broadband tomorrow.

With a software-defined core, enhanced cyber security and smart interfaces, DIMETRA X Core is built for long-term performance, giving you the mission-critical communications you need for the next 15 years or more. By replacing your existing core network with DIMETRA X Core, you’ll be making a cost-effective investment to enhance and prolong the service life of your DIMETRA radio access network.

As technology evolves, so will your DIMETRA system. It features a fully scalable architecture that allows system design and expansion from one site to 5000 or more. And as your needs change, you can easily add new users or capabilities by enabling software licenses.

DIMETRA X Core consumes less energy and lowers the long-term total cost of ownership for your organisation. Not to mention offering scalable pricing, so you pay only for the capacity and capabilities you need. Based on proven DIMETRA TETRA technology and open standards, DIMETRA X Core is a secure, smart investment for your organisation’s future.

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